Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Interesting facts and ideas from a People for Education Report titled Technology in Schools.

This People for Education Report is an important read.

From the report:
"Up to now, future-ready skills and competencies have gone by a variety of labels including soft skills, 21st century skills, transferable skills, and global competencies (British Columbia Ministry of Education, 2017; OECD, 2018; RBC, 2018; Waddell et al., 2018). People for Education refers to them as The New Basics."

1. Thinking Creatively and critically
2. Developing a Sense of Self and Society
3. Communicating Effectively
4. Learning to learn
5. Collaborating

In Ontario "future ready" skills are referred to by the Ministry of Education as "transferable skills" including, 
1. critical thinking
2. social-emotional skills
3. adaptability
4. digital literacy
5. collaboration

While 1, 2 and 5 in both lists are a match, 3 & 4 are not. Adaptability & Digital Literacy are both open to interpretation more than the other 3 so it remains to be seen how these terms will be used in curriculum documents.