1 Cover
2 Why Arduino? Demise of OOPic made me look around and start comparing.
Aside OOPic Raptor currently under development.
3 Chart side by side comparison.
- all similar
- all basic von neuman, single step ALU
- some pipelining and more modern characteristics but basically all one instruction per clock tick
- Arduino development board (currently UNO) price very competitive
- sparked international interest due to open source nature
4 Why Microcontrollers are a great fit with curriculum and broad-based philosophy
- can teach basic electronics
- can teach interfacing
- can teach robotics
- opportunity for students to explore and design projects
5 Why Arduino? - cheap, robust, open source,
- started Microcontroller Investigation thread on blog in June 2010
- spent time at home playing and learning
- OOpic and electronics experience helped me
- have introduced OOPic into OISE AQ courses with excellent results
- all candidates able to expand their knowledge and skills using this platform
6 7 8 On line community: Make, Instructables, Arduino.cc
- grade 12 students able to take ideas and projects and apply in the classroom
- examples of Arduino daughter boards manufactered in class
9 Open source, exciting range of 3rd party developers
- 2 examples: 1 driving LCD another driving the Pong game
10 Getting started - plug it in, Load the driver - in drivers folder
- may be difficult depending on admin. restrictions on computer
- Mac, PC or Linux
11 Start the software
- work through learning and playground ideas
- try blink, fading and LED bar graph (if you have one)
- many youTube videos
12 C, J all the same
13 Main Arduino.cc page organization

14 Learning example - uses Fritzing
15 Fritzing.org for great graphics software to go along with Arduino and breadboards
- free software - produces jpg. files like slide 14
16 - a line follower robot built during the 2 week AQ this summer
- one built by Igor Kourinnyi on display
17 - novices able to complete stepper motor driver
- improved confidence and understanding
18 - sources for Hardware:
- Creatron Inc, 255 College St. Toronto, creatroninc.com
- Robotshop.ca
- Abra
- CanaKit
- Deal Extreme (rev 1 with a different USB to serial chip)