Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Colour Tricorder

I built this project around the OOPIC Mark III but it should work with any microcontroller. The idea behind the famous Star Trek Tricorder was simple. Record the energy emissions from an object at 3 different frequencies. The ratio between the 3 frequencies will be unique to that object. The specific frequencies can tell us about the object's properties.
The Colour Tricorder uses 3 coloured LEDs, one at a time, to shine different frequencies of light onto an object. Going back to our high school physics we will recall that an object's colour is the result of the frequencies absorbed vs the frequencies reflected. RGB white light falling onto a red object will be reflected in the red part of the spectrum and absorbed in the green and blue. The Colour Tricorder measures the intensity of the light reflected from an object for each coloured LED light source. I used a photo resistor as a detector but a photo transistor will work as well. A green object will have a high reflectivity in green light but a low reflectivity in red and blue light. We can use these differences to teach our microprocessor to detect colours. The sensor shown was used to detect colour lines below the Mark III so the range is just 1 to 2 cm.
The schematic diagram is shown to the right. I will post some OOPic code later but the basic idea is to measure the analog value at i/o 1 three times, once while i/o 2 (green) is ON, once when i/o3 (red) is ON and once when i/o 4 (blue) is ON.
I tried out the sensor on several pieces of coloured paper and got mixed results. Blue and red detection was better than green, probably because the green LED used coloured plastic to produce green light. The red and blue LEDs were the clear type. I suspect that the bandwidth from blue and clear diodes is much tighter than from green and red coloured plastic LEDs.

Monday, November 8, 2010

ICT and Comm Tech. students can get FIT

Today our Computer Technology subject council heard about the ICTC FIT program from Dennis Hitchmough, Regional Project Manager (Ontario), Information and Communications Technology Council. Canadian High School students taking ICT or Media/Communications/Graphics courses may be eligible for a FIT certificate. You can find more information about this program on the ICTC website or at The FIT certification is already recognized by many companies in industry and retail and by many post secondary institutions. The certification indicates that the student has completed 33 criteria in 11 domains, many of which are awareness based and most, if not all, are a part of our regular curriculum.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I had a discussion with Devin Linnington and Hans Christofferson at a Silicon Halton meetup last week about using microcontrollers in robotics and remote controlled vehicle projects. Devin went home and came up with this amazing set of links:
Hack-a-Day - Great website for project ideas, thousands of random things on there
And related to that, I was looking for the super-cheap robotics platform but apparently that deal has expired. Found a cheap propeller platform though:
Sparkfun - Awesome resource for hobbyist-friendly electronics, also has tutorials for beginners (Hans, search 'motor driver' to find a ton of pre-built boards)
Solarbotics/HVWTech - Canadian company out of Calgary that has some more resources and really cheap solar panels
Seeed Studio - Chinese website that sells really cheap stuff. Also sells unlicensed bluetooth modules for less than half the price of N.A. retailers.
Open Circuits - Haven't used this site much but there should be tons of circuit designs you could use for your projects which I added
Servo magazine is full of ideas:
The current online version has an article about using the Arduino to make robots.
There are lots of good project ideas in the Arduino Playground Wiki.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I ran across another Freeduino board made by Modern Device called the Bare Bones Freeduino. I ordered one along with an LCD kit (driver and 2 x 16 display). The BB board uses a separate board called a USB BUB (USB to TTL) to connect to a computer. I like this setup. I can use a single BUB to program any number of BB boards. I also like the way the BB board simply plugs in to a breadboard giving me access to the Atmega 328 i/o while putting 5V power and ground on the corresponding rails at the top. This is a very neat and cost effective package for microcontroller experiments. I look forward to taking the LCD kit on the road when I visit other schools to talk about my SHSM Computer Tech. program. The piece provides and interesting focus for discussion about the technology and - hey - looks flashy!
I soldered the BB board with my old 30 watt soldering iron (connected to a dimmer switch to control power). I've used that old iron for years and so I treated myself to a new Elenco SL-5 soldering station - nicer to hold and easier to control.
I've spent some time going over my non-functioning Freeduin0 board looking for the problem. I even built an RS232 to TTL board (my own design) to bypass the USB interface to see if that was the problem. I also tried the USB BUB to talk directly to the Atmega chip. I keep getting the same error.
avrdude: stk500_get_sync(): not in sync: resp=0x66
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x66

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pong with a Seeeduino

I had some more fun yesterday this time working with an Arduino clone called a Seeeduino. I was able to reproduce the work of Bruno Soares. Bruno's pong game is fairly well documented except for the pinouts so I started with this Arduino Playground discussion and experimented with a 2$ 8 x 8 LED matrix until I figured out the internal and external wiring.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seeeduino v328 and DSO Nano

The new preassembled Seeeduino v328 came in today. Hooked it up to my laptop and it worked right away. My July 2 speculation that the FT232RL USB to serial chip on the Freeduino is blown is correct. I get the same error message on the new board if I choose the wrong com port in the IDE. I'll put the broken board aside for now. I guess at some point I can wire up a db 9 serial interface - 3 transistors - and program this board from a serial port directly into the Arduio chip.

I also got a DSO Nano oscilloscope! One of the 2 power wires to the main board broke off right away while inserting the battery. I got that soldered back on and tried it out - very cool This should prove to be very usefull in troubleshooting problems like the Freeduino and for demonstrating waveforms to my classes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

5 x 7 LED matrix lab published

I had some fun working with this 5 x 7 LED matrix on July 1 and I was able to prove out some concepts I read about in posts about similar projects. Basically, using "Persistence of Vision" I was able to animate fireworks lighting just one LED at a time in order to limit current drain on the BS2. This project is the simplest possible for hardware because you need just a microcontroller, a LED matrix and some resistors. The programming becomes more complex because you can use only one LED at a time. With more "buffer" circuitry it would be possible to light more LEDs. This is a good example of a project that is documented so that it can be reproduced by high school students.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Microcontroller Investigation part 4

I borrowed a BOE board from a BOE BOT kit from school. I like this product a lot. The Stamp module plugged in easily, the on-board LEDs are bright, the 3 position power switch is very handy, the 4 little rubber feet are a smart and I had no trouble setting it up and testing out some output functions. The web site is very nicely organized and the Whats a Microcontroller text looks perfect for beginners. The IDE is very sensible and has some decent help functionality. After playing around with a couple of LEDs I jumped in and hooked up a 5 x 7 LED array. Since it was July 1 I made a fireworks program.

Microcontroller Investigation part 3

The 328 chip I ordered from NKC came in today and I tried it out on the Freeduino board. I got the same error message:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x66
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x66

I inspected the board one more time so now I think the problem lies in the FT232RL USB to serial chip that came presoldered to the board. Too bad. The Freeduino board came as a kit so I don't think I'll be able to return it.

The assembly instructions for the Seeduino kit are on the NKC Electronics site so I went back there and ordered an assembled Seeduino.
In the mean time I had some success with the STAMP product. Check out the next post.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Microcontroller Investigation part 2.

The story so far. I ordered and built a Freeduino board, made by Seeedstudio, from Robotshop. The board went together OK following the NKC Electronics instructions but the Atmega 168 chip was faulty. I called Robotshop and they sent me over a new Atmega 328 chip. That chip doesn't work either. In the mean time I ordered a 328 chip from Seeedstudio. I'm still waiting for that one. The Arduino community is full of neat projects. I'd like to build the pong game using a 9 x9 LED array.

I am considering a BASIC stamp module kit. This Parallax product has some very good texts to help teach electronics and microcontroller programming basics. The stamp community has some good projects as well. I'm still waiting for the kit.
Once upon a time I had a blog here: Later, I joined up with Silicon Halton here: They have a Linked In group: You need a Linked In account to go there. The point is this. The Silicon Halton group asked people if they had a blog. I guess the group page would use RSS to follow the blog. So I submitted my chatt blog link. Its not a very good blog but I thought I would pay it some more attention. But then it turns out that the First Class server that runs the chatt web site does not do RSS! So here I am at Blogger where I'll try again to post something useful, something thoughtful, something worth reading every once and a while. Here goes . . .